Values and Operating Principles

We are 100% independent

Innova Capital is the trading name of Capital Syndications Pty Ltd. The entity is an independent stand-alone advisory firm that is owned by its principal. Neither the entity or its related parties have any ties to a financier, real estate agency, developer or other commission or incentive-based organisation that may benefit from our advice. Our value proposition is that we offer 100% independent, objective honest advice in the best interests of our clients. We do not pursue any unsolicited proposals or other opportunities that could compromise that independence in any way.

We provide you with transparency at every step

Our clients and strategic partners regard us highly for the ways and frequency with which we communicate. Communication is one of our greatest strengths. This includes full transparency of all works underpinning our fees and those of our appointed service providers.

We only engage dependable proven expert resources

Our people have extensive business and industry experience and the ability to rapidly meet specialist resource needs through proven dependable experts with whom we have established strong mutual affiliations.

We constantly strategise

Confidence with development planning and execution is maximised when the strategy that underpins the plan is clear and the buy-in is solid at the outset. Circumstances can also change over time which give rise to the need to revisit the strategy. We are best known for our approach to strategic planning and the ways in which we guide stakeholders at every step.

And finally, we only act with integrity.
