1. Learning Links [supporting children with learning challenges]
We have supported Learning Links for the last 7-years through ongoing property strategy and investment advice. This includes preparing and delivering a rezoning with an uplift to density controls and additional permitted uses for their freehold land in Sydney. We have also provided strategic advice around the locational expansion of their operations within high growth greenfield and emerging urban centres within the greater Sydney area.
Learning Links supports over 4,500 children in any one year. It was established in 1972 by parents concerned about the lack of appropriate education and support services to meet their children’s needs. Learning Links works in collaboration with around 115 schools, and around 3,500 individuals inclusive of parents and those working in early childhood settings to help children with learning disabilities and difficulties so as to prevent those challenges from causing disadvantage. Early intervention for young children who experience developmental delays is critical to mitigate the risk of poor educational outcomes later in life. Learning Links is recognised as a pioneer in the area of inclusive early childhood education and we are proud to be associated with them.
2. Franciscan Roche Foundation [for the homeless]
We have supported this Foundation through the establishment of its brand and physical identity, inclusive of marketing communications and the establishment of its website.
This foundation was established by the Catholic Order of the Franciscan Friars of Australia following the generous bequest of funds by Mr Edmund Roche who was himself homeless. The fund was established with the primary objective of supporting action which removes the causes of poverty and injustices which deprive the poor of their rights and dignity. The fund also supports initiatives that actively promote awareness and understanding of the perspective from which the poor see the world and their own situation, and initiatives that contribute to the restoration of their social order.
3. Productivity Bootcamp [tackling youth unemployment]
We are proud to have supported Mr Paul Breen and his team at Productivity Bootcamp since 2017 through the establishment and management of Australia’s 3rd physical bootcamp location at Campbelltown NSW on a Heritage Park site belonging to one of our clients. This includes a program of bush regeneration works and other future light construction projects to allow the young people that enter the program to develop hands-on skills in areas where they may have future employment aspirations or untapped potential. On average, around 95 young people ‘graduate’ from the Campbelltown Bootcamp every year into apprenticeship opportunities providing them with hope and opportunity that they might not otherwise have had before it was established.
Productivity Bootcamp is an 8-week course that gets young people work ready. Many of these young people are seeking their own growth from personal challenges or disadvantage. The bootcamp experience presently focusses on arming them with foundation skills to enter the Infrastructure industry, and will likely extend to other industries over time. These include skills in formwork, steel, concrete and general ground works. The style of training is currently based around infrastructure and seeking to also extend to bush regeneration/horticulture and other ‘hands-on’ opportunities as the Bootcamp continues to evolve. The style of training offers far more than just task-ready skills. There is a heavy focus on safety, injury prevention, attitude, work ethic, communication skills, dealing with different personalities, punctuality and nutrition, as all of these elements are critical to labour productivity in every industry.