
Wayne Camenzuli is the founder and Managing Director of Innova Capital (Capital Syndications Pty Ltd).  The company was incorporated in 2002 and its clients since that time have been both impressive and varied, as have the consultancies that have been awarded to the business. These have typically been concerned with organisational or land development strategy, asset management or directorship of major organisational change projects.

With over 35 years of continuous professional experience since graduating from the University of Sydney, he has a vast body of professional and industry networks. His career was grounded at KPMG for 8-years servicing the financial services, property, tourism and hospitality sectors.  He subsequently gained 9-years experience with publicly listed and foreign-owned financial services companies at General Management and Office-of-the-CEO level, and at a similar level within the healthcare sector for two national organisations. The range of disciplines for which he has provided leadership include business strategy, acquisitions/mergers and divestments, portfolio management, brand and campaign marketing, performance improvement, risk management and major project directorship.

Over the last 15 years, the sectoral and industry focus of the business has been principally concerned with land development for community, religious and other not-for-profit organisations. The scope of services has been almost completely concerned with property advice, asset management, development orchestration and delivery directorship in one way or another. Because of the professional background he brings to this sector, he is particularly valued for his unique mix of skills and experiences that have earnt him respect as a one-stop adviser for so much of the present-day complexity that characterises the land development sector in Australia.

Wayne also provides ongoing pro-bono support to selected community and social support organisations in various advocacy, advisory or hands-on capacities.

CEO Magazine article on Wayne
